Holidays at the 4-star Hotel Wiesenegg

FAQ and booking information

From what time can we check in to Hotel Wiesenegg in Saalbach?

You can enter the your room from 3 pm. Feel free to ask us about our early check-in area!

When do we need to check out of Hotel Wiesenegg in Saalbach?

At Hotel Wiesenegg, the latest check-out time is 10 am. Feel free to ask us about our late check-out area!

Is the JOKER CARD included in the room price?

Yes, in summer, the JOKER CARD is included for our guests. Read here all you need to know about the services and discounts.

What discounts are available for children when staying in the parents’ room?

untill 3 years old FREE-OF-CHARGE / untill 10 years old 50% / until 14 years old 30% / from 15 years old and 3rd person 20%

How much is the single room surcharge?

For a double and single room, we charge the list price per person/day + 50%.

How much is the deduction when booking with breakfast only?

When booking rooms with breakfast only, we deduct € 10.00 per night from the daily rate.

Are dogs permitted at the Hotel Wiesenegg?

Dogs per day excluding food EUR 25.00 (dog crate and blanket mandatory!)

In order not to disturb any guests, dogs are not permitted in the restaurant, wellness area or bathing pond. Thank you for your understanding!

Which rooms are available at Hotel Wiesenegg?

Here, you can find the list of all rooms and suites at Wiesenegg.

Which type of board can be booked at Hotel Wiesenegg?

In both summer and winter, our guests enjoy the gourmet board including breakfast and evening meal. 

Where is the Hotel Wiesenegg?

Hotel Wiesenegg lies between the districts of Saalbach and Hinterglemm. Here, you can read more about the distance to the centres.

Is parking available at the hotel?

Yes, guest parking is available directly in front of the building.

Are there charging stations for e-cars?

There are 2 charging stations for your electric cars right at the hotel. (We are happy to provide these for a fee)

What wellness facilities are available at the 4-star hotel in Saalbach?

Guests enjoy our newly designed wellness and spa area in 2021.

How much is the deposit that has to be paid for a booking?

We will be happy to send you your personalised offer with all the information. You will also find these terms in the booking confirmation of your online booking.

What cancellation conditions apply to holidays at Wiesenegg?

Our cancellation policy is based on the General Terms and Conditions of the Hotel Industry, but we have adjusted it to offer you even more flexibility as a guest.

  • up to 28 days before arrival – free-of-charge
  • from 28 to 7 days before your arrival – 70 percent
  • less than 7 days, we charge 90 percent

Unless otherwise agreed, the Austrian Hotel Contract Conditions apply.

Where can I take out travel cancellation insurance?

You can take out travel cancellation insurance with Europäische Reiseversicherung, our partner insurance company. You can all the details here.